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Our Policies


Class Cancellation

If classes are cancelled for any reason, they will be made up.  No more than two classes will be cancelled without a makeup class due to snow days, power failure, or any other unforeseen circumstance.  Any cancellations exceeding those fore-mentioned will require a makeup to be scheduled on any day assigned by the teacher.



Please make sure your dancer comes to class prepared and on time. No credit or refund will be given for classes that you are registered for but are unable to attend.  Please call or email the studio if your dancer is unable to attend class.



Combination classes: any style of leotard, tights, tan tap shoes and ballet shoes; Creative movement: any style of leotard, tights, and ballet shoes; Hip hop: any comfortable clothing and hip hop shoes or sneakers that have not been worn outside; Tumbling: any style of leotard, shorts (optional) and bare feet or tumbling shoes; Tap: comfortable clothing and black tap shoes; Lyrical/Modern: any style of leotard with tights or shorts or pants, bare feet or paws; Ballet: black leotard, pink tights and pink leather ballet shoes. Hair in a bun for ballet classes and pulled out of your face for all other classes.


Parent Responsibility & Support

Please make sure your children are respectful to the staff, fellow dancers, the studio and the property.  Please drop off and pick your dancer up in a timely manner, no more than 15 minutes early/late. If you have any issues please contact Miss Donna directly.



Your monthly tuition is automatically billed to your account and is DUE on the 1st of each month. DDA does  not send bills. Tuition that is not paid by the 10th of the month will incur a $30.00 late fee.  NO REFUNDS will be given for classes not attended. There will be a $35 returned check fee.



Donna's Dance Academy will keep everyone informed using email.  If you do not have an email, you will be responsible for coming into the studio and reading the bulletin board.  Due to some of the issues of email, important notes will also go home with the dancers. However, we cannot guarantee than you will receive said notes. Please make sure to ask if notes were handed out and please check your email & spam folder often. Please notify the office of any changes to your email. 



By signing the registration form you agree to release and forever discharge, Donna's Dance Academy and their employees from any liabilities growing out of or related to any activities in which I or my child may participate in.  I understand that this is a full and compelete release for all injuries or damages which I or my child may sustain as a result of my/his/her participation in any activities, regardless of the specific cause thereof.  I understand that in the event of an injury, the DDA staff will make every effort to contact me and will seek medical attention for my child if the injury is of serious nature.  As the parent or guardian, I am solely responsible for providing insurance coverage in case of injury to my child.  I hereby waive all claims for injury, damage or loss to my child or children's person and/or personal property during participation at any DDA class and/or event.  I further hold harmless Donna Grant and DDA agents and employees from any liablilty for injury, damage or loss which may be caused by any act or omission of any of them.  By signing this form, you are also advised that the students will be supervised by the DDA staff or Donna Grant herself only while in the dance studio.  The common areas of the dance studio (i.e. bathrooms, dressing area, lobby, parking lot, etc.) are casually monitored.

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